"Not only delicious, but my body began to heal"
Primal Pastures meat has been such a gift to our family.
A couple of years ago, I became sick, having an allergic reaction to almost everything I ate. After multiple tests came back inconclusive, I began searching for solutions on my own.
One of the first steps I took was switching our family to Primal Pastures foods. I was all in. We bought the honey, the beef, the chicken, the pork (which I had previously not been able to eat), the fish.
We tried everything, and it was not only delicious, but my body began to heal. After experiencing such positive results, I went out on a limb and tried the raw beef liver. I had never eaten liver before of any kind, but my iron levels were still dangerously low, and heavy supplementation wasn’t cutting it.
I cut the liver into bite-sized cubes and then froze them. I would take two with my breakfast every morning. Within six weeks, my iron levels had more than tripled!
I am so thankful for Primal Pastures commitment to clean, quality meat. It nurtured me back to health.
- Andrea B.