Our Lamb
Reed and Robyn Anderson are the true definition of entrepreneurs; engaged in their community with a desire to grow their businesses in ways that support and protect the environment and land that they love.
A love for raising and growing sheep the way nature intended is a huge piece of why they do what they do what they do and how they do it. They raised their children to love what they do and give back, and now with both boys – Jake and Travis joining the family business and starting families, they are excited to see what the future may bring.
Grass Fed
Grass Finished
Pasture Raised
Five generations of lamb-raising expertise and care ensures Anderson Ranches lambs will produce the highest quality meat – that is tender, juicy and delicious. The Anderson’s have vast experience in selecting the best English breeds for optimal growth in Oregon’s climate.
The sheep company is managed by Jake Anderson, who understands that genetics is key to healthy and happy animals. In addition; providing open ranges and pastures with unlimited grazing not only supports the natural growth and development of the sheep; it also improves the sustainability of the land by reducing weeds and noxious plants through the simple act of grazing.
Grass-management is another key to sustaining high quality, it’s imperative to manage the land, ensuring it is not over or under-grazed. The Anderson’s sheep grow until they are between 7-10 months of age and to an average weight of approximately 130 lbs.
The Willamette Valley boasts one of the most productive, grass-growing regions in the US, a perfect place to raise the perfect lambs. In turn, as the Anderson Ranches brand continues to grow, they are working with other local ranchers to contract similar lambs that have the same business philosophy and growing standards, just another way they are continuing to support their local community.
Anderson Ranches sustainable practices are unique and unmatched when compared to other lamb companies. For Robyn and Reed this has always been at the forefront of their business model. Each of Anderson’s companies, utilize one-another to ensure sustainability and profitably across companies and the environment in which they reside.
Planting, growing and harvesting grass-seed plays a major role in the Anderson’s sheep business. The grass is planted in the fall then the sheep graze the grass all winter through the spring. After the sheep are moved to different pastures the grass is grown for seed crop that is harvested in late July. The Anderson’s have found international partners for their highly desirable rich forage seed. Chinese fish farmers buy the seed to grow grass that they chop and feed to their fish.
Their sheep also graze hill pastures that are not farmed, but grow beautiful pine and fir trees, the sheep eat the weeds and noxious plants in these pastures as well, supporting the health of the trees and grasses as well as keeping the fire danger at a controllable level.
Composting program – consists of baled straw that is an ancillary product of the grass-seed business and unused approved by-products for the processing facility are composted and used as natural fertilizer for the seed fields.
Water-reclamation is used at the processing facility, ensuring water can be reused in the pastures after recycling through the plant sanitation program.
All of the Anderson’s farming and business endeavors are within a very small radius of just a few miles, thus they can honestly and easily claim a very small carbon footprint for all of their business
Reed Anderson was awarded the Linn County – Soil and Water Conservationist of the Year in 2007 and 2008. The entire Anderson family is dedicated to using sustainable practices ensuring fertile land and clean water, so they can continue to raise the healthiest grass-fed lamb in the world.