The Cleanest Meat in America

Family enjoying outdoor activities on a farm, highlighting Primal Pastures' commitment to sustainable farming and grass-fed meats, with lush greenery in the background.

Farmer Rob

Farmer Rob has the distinct vantage point of living two lives - one as the owner and co-founder of Primal... Read more

Child petting pigs on a pasture with free-range chickens near a farm shed, representing sustainable farming practices for grass-fed meats at Primal Pastures.

Our Chicken

Our poultry program has been the staple of Primal Pastures since 2012, and something we're incredibly proud of.  We offer chicken... Read more

Our Pork

Our Pork

How do you tell the story of our pork partner, when it's so much more than that?  While Clear Creek... Read more

Close-up of a cow grazing on open pasture, representing Primal Pastures' commitment to sustainable farming and providing high-quality grass-fed meats.

Our Beef

We raise and source beef with an exacting standard that less than 0.01% of American beef would qualify for. What... Read more

Our Lamb

Our Lamb

Reed and Robyn Anderson are the true definition of entrepreneurs; engaged in their community with a desire to grow their... Read more