Exposed! Organic

Standby for a freak out moment.  Do you know what all 3 of these images have in common?  


These animals could EASILY be certified organic.


You must understand - the term organic has nothing to do with the way that animals are raised.  They can (and typically are) raised in confinement situations in feedlots, CAFO's, and grow houses.

But this label is federally regulated.  So what does it mean?

The FEED must be CERTIFIED by the USDA to be less than 5% contaminated by non organic ingredients.  Cows shouldn't eat corn and soy, you say?  I agree, but under the organic label as long as their corn and soy is 95% certified organic, they still qualify for the label.  Think that's bad?  You should see the list of allowable synthetic and non-synthetic substances used in Organic agriculture!  And they're constantly adding more.

This is not a slam against Costco or Kirkland signature, there are many companies that offer organic meat - I just really want you guys to understand what you're buying when you see Organic meats.  It's so frustrating to me.  You have hard working people doing their best to feed their family with healthy meats.  We're on limited budgets and have limited time for research.  People see the nice green pasture on the package, it says organic, so it must be good right?  Think again...

Hopefully this helps you to understand why we like the term "beyond organic".While we are not certified organic, we hold ourselves to a far, far higher standard.  Our animals live outside, on pasture, 24/7/365.  They get a species appropriate diet of 100% pesticide free pasture ONLY for the ruminant animals (cows and sheep), and the omnivores (chickens and pigs) are supplemented with a certified organic, soy free/GMO free feed.  We participate with nature, rotating the animals daily to build healthy soil and create a vibrant ecosystem that will get better and better every single year.
See all articles in Meat Marketing Label Games Exposed


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